Chairperson: | Dr Mark Dornan |
Owner: | Dr Mark Dornan |
Author: | Jody Nichols |
Membership: |
Nicola Hutchinson Chief Executive Officer, HI NENC | |
Julia Newton Medical Director, HI NENC | |
Jody Nichols Implementation Programme Lead, HI NENC | |
Dave Belshaw Director of Digital Transformation, HI NENC | |
Stephen Childs Managing Director | |
Ian Davidson Business Information Services Director | |
I-Lin Hall Head of Data and Digital Applications, NECS | |
Nicola Murray Digital Integration Lead, DDES CCG, Sedgefield CCG & North Durham CCG | |
Mark Dornan Senior Responsible Officer | |
Jonathan Harness Chief Clinical Information Officer =, Newcastle Gateshead CCG | |
Gareth Forbes Director, Derwentside Healthcare GP Federation | |
Paul Gibson Head of Digital Development, Sunderland CCG | |
Shirley Wrann NHS England/Improvement | |
Nicola Allen Chief Operating Officer, CBC Health | |
Stakeholders: | The Oversight Group is a multi-stakeholder group comprised of members of Health Innovation North East & North Cumbria, NECS, NENC ICS, NHS E |
Frequency of Meetings: | Bimonthly from December 2020. The Chair may call an extraordinary meeting should they consider this necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of the group. |
Quorum: | At least the chair and two representatives from each of the HI NENC and NECS to attend. Although it should be noted that at times only one representative from NECS may attend as Stephen Childs may not be able to attend frequently. |
Conduct of Meetings: | Meetings will not be conducted in public. Notes will be made of the meetings that will reflect recommendations and action points only. |
Purpose: | Provide oversight and direction to the Clinical Digital Resource Collaborative (CDRC) to: Help facilitate and ensure high quality patient care. Negotiate funding to support the sustainability model for CDRC as a valued resource for the NENC region.Set the long-term strategy of CDRC.Monitor the outcomes of CDRC.Oversee the long-term governance of CDRC.Ensure a sustainable model for CDRC is put in place. |
Ownership of Work Initiatives: | All projects, initiatives and outcomes will be owned by CDRC. |
Working Principles: | All relationships must be handled in an open and transparent manner to build trust, understanding and confidence. All members of the group will adhere to their organisational standards of business conduct. All members to engage in the work in the spirit of partnership and mutual trust. Timely delivery of the work will be essential and is common to all partners. As a result, all partners will ensure that their contribution to the agreed actions is required and offered in a timely manner. Administrative support for the oversight group will be provided by the CDRC team. |
Communication Arrangements: | It will be the responsibility of the Oversight Group to ensure that relevant issues are disseminated to the appropriate bodies. Share information and ensure coordination between organisations and disciplines. Conduct meetings in a language that everyone can clearly follow encouraging freedom of speech and debate. |
Declaration of Interest: | The general principle is that all potential or perceived conflicts of interest should be declared. Formal declaration will be required once per year. |
Review of Terms of Reference: | Once per year in line with formal declaration of interest. |
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Tuesday, 13 August 2024