CDRC Lipid Management Templates can be used for accurate assessment, coding and management of patients to help meet best practice, QoF and PCN DES IIF indicators.
Lipid Details Template
The Lipid Details template provides an overview of lipid assessment and management.
How to Access
In the search bar located in the bottom left-hand corner on SystmOne, type ‘Lipid Details – CDRC’ and select the this template:

Alternatively, press F12 and search for ‘Lipid Details – CDRC’, this will return the aforementioned template.
Lipids Homepage

Template Contents
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
A summary of the indications for lipid lowering | The button will open a screen showing more details e.g. | |
Link to QRISK2 calculator or space to record manual QRISK2 | Most recently recorded QRISK2 score | |
Link to page to allow creation of lipid target | Most recent cholesterol (and triglyceride if present) targets. | |
Tickbox to record that patient is taking statin over the counter Link to Lipid Lowering Medication template which provides more details on lipid lowering therapies | Current repeat lipid lowering Warnings and alerts, including: Consider starting lipid lowering Poor concordance/compliance Consider setting lipid target Target not achieved Consider statin intensification | Link to the Medication Timeline which shows a schematic of all previous medication Link to Lipids Results and Lipid Rx which shows a list of lipid lowering medication and lipid results so response to treatment and concordance can be assessed eg. |
Link to Exceptions Page Button to record that lipid lowering has been declined – this will also check to ensure that all lipid lowering is declined as well as just statins Button to record that lipid lowering is not indicated – this will also check to ensure that all lipid lowering is not indicated as well as just statins Tick box to record that the patient is on maximally tolerated lipid lowering therapy | Most recent codes indicating that lipid lowering is not appropriate e.g. declined, not indicated, not tolerated. A warning will be displayed if the patient has a S1 ADR to statins recorded but not a Snomed code | A button to show all previous lipid lowering exception codes and S1 lipid lowering ADR information. e.g. |
Button to run lipid lowering checklist – this protocol runs a series of checks looking at drug indication, dosing, lipid targets, drug interactions and provides a checklist for key information about the prescribing with information for the patient. | The latest contents of the lipid lowering checklist | |
Link to Familial Hypercholesterolaemia screening tab |
Lipids Results Page

This page shows previous lipid results so trends can be followed.
Buttons in the top right provide links to:
- The TPP lipids tables and graph function.
Settings Graph
All Lipid Tests
Z] Only show readings that the patient has at least one of
Edit Presets
Serum choleste
05 dan 2005
06 dan 2006
11 2010
10 dun 2011
06 dui 2015
03 Feb 2021
Serum LDL choL„ Serum choleste„ Serum HDL chu
1 33
Serum triglyceride levels
- The Medication Timeline
- A list of all issued lipid lowering medication
- A list of all lipid results with lipid lowering medication
The bottom panel shows the most recent lipid target.
There is a box to record historic non-HDL cholesterol results. Historically, these were often not sent with lipid results. They can be calculated retrospectively but subtracting HDL cholesterol from total cholesterol and recording the resulting value with the date of the original result.
The final box is to record the target non-HDL cholesterol. This is the target reading recommended by NICE for the majority of patients. Alternative readings may be needed in specialist cases (e.g. LDL-C in familial hypercholesterolaemia) – More details about targets can be found on the Lipid Targets Page.
There is a calculator to help calculate the target non-HDL cholesterol
Lipids Targets Page

Exceptions Page

Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) Screening Page

The Screening for FH Page facilitates the calculation of a Dutch Lipid Clinic Network score. The information in the middle panel helps to provide the information needed to complete the score, with the buttons on the right allowing the user to expand those panels to see fuller/more detailed information.
Lower on the template, factors that might contribute to secondary hyperlipidaemia are shown e.g. obesity, alcohol consumption, diabetes, nephrotic syndrome.
Lipid Lowering Template
The Lipid Lowering template facilitates safe and effective lipid lowering therapy treatments.
How to Access
In the search bar located in the bottom left-hand corner on SystmOne, type ‘Lipid Lowering – CDRC’ and select the following template:

Alternatively, press F12 and search for ‘Lipid Lowering – CDRC’, this will return the aforementioned template.
Lipid Lowering Template Home Page
The Lipid Lowering page provides an overview of lipid lowering treatment.

Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
As summary of the indications for lipid lowering | The button will open a screen showing more details e.g. | |
Link to QRISK2 calculator | Most recently recorded QRISK2 score | |
Link to website with statin Cates plots – this webpage will be opened with the patient’s most recent QRISK2 score. Link to the NICE Statin Patient Decision Aid | Most recent lipid results | Link to TPP lipid table/graph |
Button to calculate a target non-HDL cholesterol, based on achieving a 40% reduction in non-HDL choletesterol Box to manually enter target non-HDL cholesterol, if needed, e.g. if the most recent non-HDL cholesterol is ‘on treatment’. | Most recent cholesterol (and triglyceride if present) targets. | |
Current repeat lipid lowering Warnings and alerts, including: Consider starting lipid lowering Poor concordance/compliance Consider setting lipid target Target not achieved Consider statin intensification | Link to the Medication Timeline which shows a schematic of all previous medication Link to Lipids Results and Lipid Rx which shows a list of lipid lowering medication and lipid results so response to treatment and concordance can be assessed eg. | |
Tickbox for statin offered Buttons to record that lipid lowering if declined or not indicated – the protocol which runs from this button will check if all lipid lowering therapy is declined or not indicated or just statins. | Most recent codes indicating that lipid lowering is not appropriate e.g. declined, not indicated, not tolerated. A warning will be displayed if the patient has a S1 ADR to statins recorded but not a Snomed code | A button to show all previous lipid lowering exception codes and S1 lipid lowering ADR information. e.g. |
Links to tabs for individual lipid lowering medication Button to run lipid lowering checklist – this protocol runs a series of checks looking at drug indication, dosing, lipid targets, drug interactions and provides a checklist for key information about the prescribing with information for the patient. | The latest contents of the lipid lowering checklist |
Pages for for Individual Drugs
Pages for the individual drugs show key prescribing and safety information. Key information (such as renal function) is shown in the middle panel, along with warnings about potential safety issues and interactions.
There are buttons for:
- Creating new repeat of atorvastatin 20mg
- Creating new repeat of a different dose of atorvastatin
- Creating statin PIL
- Creating a scheduled task for checking lipids and LFTs in 3m (for routine monitoring after initiation)
- Running the lipid lowering checklist

Statin Potency Page
Shows statin potencies