The CDRC Meningitis B vaccination system is designed to help maximise uptake of Meningitis B vaccination whilst minimising the burden on general practice.
All reports are in the CDRC > MenB folder
Before CQRS Data Extraction consider running the internal audit report
This will identify any patient who has had a Read code for Meningitis B vaccination but has not had a SystmOne vaccine entry (which is what the CDRC CQRS Men B reports detect)
The CQRS Reports are named to match the CQRS fields.
You will need to breakdown these reports to get the monthly figures for your practice. You should only have to enter the breakdown options once. The report should default to these options each subsequent time that you break it down.
To breakdown the report:
- Right click on the report and choose breakdown
- Tick the boxes as shown below and then click Refresh
For the MENBI09 and 10 reports use the following breakdown options: