Suite of reports to facilitate safe use of Anticoagulants.
Accessing the Population Reporting Searches:
To access the CDRC Anticoagulation Population Reporting Searches on EMIS, you will need to download and import the following .zip file:
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Guidance on the Population Reporting Searches:
Primary searches in this folder are pre-fixed with an ‘?’, making it easier to locate and run these searches.
Report Name | Returns | Action |
? Anticoagulation Safety 01 – ?Poor Concordance | Patients with repeat anticoagulants who have not had a recent issue within 3 months (NB will ‘incorrectly’ detect people who have recently started treatment in secondary care and not had first primary care issue) | Review patient and discuss concordance if appropriate |
? Anticoagulation Safety 02 – DOAC – Antiphospholipid Syndrome – consider stopping | Patients on a DOAC with antiphospholipid syndrome EMA Warning ** | Review the patient and consider stopping/switching to VKA |
? Anticoagulation Safety 03.0 – DOAC – Consider Reduced Dose – hard reasons | Patients on DOAC who may need a reduced dose due to factors such as age, weight, eGFR, interacting medication – based on the medicine summary of product characteristics | Review the patient and consider DOAC dose |
? Anticoagulation Safety 03.01 – DOAC – Consider Reduced Dose – hard reasons – AF only | As above but only for patients with AF. | Review the patient and consider DOAC dose |
? Anticoagulation Safety 04 – DOAC – Severe renal impairment – consider stopping | Patients on DOAC with renal function below the recommended lower safe limit | Review the patient and consider DOAC safety |
? Anticoagulation Safety 05 – DOAC – No apparent indication | Patients on DOAC without clear indication | Review the patient and consider suitability of DOAC or add indication as appropriate |
? Anticoagulation Safety 05.1 – DOAC – No apparent licensed indication | Patients on DOAC without clear licensed indication – NB that the DOACs are only licensed for the AF indication when certain risk factors are present. | Review the patient and consider suitability of DOAC or add indication as appropriate |
? Anticoagulation Safety 06 – DOAC – Contraindicated/not recommended drugs | Patients on DOAC with a contraindicated/not recommended concomitant medication | Review the patient using the anticoagulation template and consider DOAC safety |
? Anticoagulation Safety 07 – DOAC – Consider Dose Increase | Patients on DOAC who may need a dose increase. 7.21 – Based on SmPC licensed criteria but excluding those with >=2 soft criteria for reduced dose | Coding may be inaccurate or consider dose increase |
? Anticoagulation Safety 08.1 – DOAC – Cockroft Gault CrCl Record Overdue – tests done | Patients on a DOAC who don’t have a recording of Cockroft Gault creatinine clearance within a relevant time period (depending on their renal function) 8.1 – Test done report – renal function checked but CG not calculated | Either: Use the anticoagulation template to record CG CrCl based on last eGFR OR Call patient for U+E if not done in relevant time period. |
? Anticoagulation Safety 08.2 – DOAC – Cockroft Gault CrCl Record Overdue – tests not done | As above but tests not done | Consider blood test |
? Anticoagulation Safety 09 – DOAC – High GI Bleed Risk | Patients that have a high GI bleed risk | |
09 DOAC – High GI bleeding risk – No gastroprotection | Patients in the report above who are not on gastroprotection | Consider need for gastroprotection |
? Anticoagulation Safety 10 – Warfarin or VKA – No INR in the last 12w # | Patients on vitamin K antagonist with no INR record in the last 12 weeks | Check/record INR |
? Anticoagulation Safety 11 – Warfarin or VKA – No TTR in the last year # | Patients on vitamin K antagonist with no INR record in the last 12 weeks | Record TTR |
? Anticoagulation Safety 12 – Warfarin or VKA – Latest TTR <65% # | Patients on vitamin K antagonist whose latest recorded TTR is <65% | Review the patient and consider vit K antagonist safety +/- update TTR |
? Anticoagulation Safety 13 – Warfarin or VKA – Poor control (NICE criteria) # | Patients on vitamin K antagonist with poor control according to NICE criteria | Review the patient and consider vit K antagonist safety |
? Anticoagulation Safety 14 – Duplicate Anticoagulant # | Patients on more than one anticoagulant | Consider stopping one |
? Anticoagulation Safety 15 – DOAC and heart valve (unspecified) | Any valve which isn’t specified as tissue | Review record. Stop DOAC if mechanical heart valve or replace non-specific heart valve code with tissue heart valve. |
? Anticoagulation Safety 15 – DOAC and heart valve (mechanical) | Any mechanical valve | As above |