Accessing CDRC resources on SystmOne
To access the below resources you will need to be a member of the DCS group on SystmOne. To do this, please follow the instructions on the CDRC SystmOne Access webpage.
Acute Conjunctivitis Template
The Acute Conjunctivitis template can be used to record full consultations or be used as a reference to look up information about diagnosis and management.
The Acute Conjunctivitis Template can be accessed by pressing F12, or using the search bar in the lower left-hand corner of the main screen, and type ‘Acute Conjunctivitis – CDRC’ into the search box then click Search.
The Home page has a short menu with links to tabs for the common forms of acute conjunctivitis. Each page has simple guidance regarding diagnosis and management as well as links to more detailed guidance at CKS and quick links to patient information leaflets.