Frequently Asked Questions
Data is not shared so a DSA is not required.
To safeguard the reliability of the resources, NECS perform clinical hazard reviews and quality assurance on all resources before they are made available for use, they consequently own the IP. Developed resources are not for commercial gain and are made available under a royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive license to any health and social care organisation providing care to citizens within the UK.
Yes, the QASI evaluation is a useful example. The team will continue to ascertain user feedback and evaluate the effectiveness of the resources.
No, templates are made available to those organisations who request them.
Using the CDRC resources indicates your acceptance of the Terms of use.
There is a clinical input into each and every resource created. When new national guidance becomes available – we will endeavour to incorporate these into the resources within a timely manner. We warmly welcome all suggestions for resource updates where new guidance becomes available so please let us know if you are aware of a recent regional/national guideline which is not currently integrated into the resource using our contact us page.
Both companies have been commissioned by NHSE to allow local GPs to create, amend and distribute templates at their discretion. Permission is therefore not required from either company.
Requests can be made to the CDRC team for local customisation e.g. allowing localised information from specific areas to be obtained. Clinical time to develop amendments would be a consideration.
Yes, we have a steering group consisting of representation from senior key collaborative partners from across the region. They provide specialist advice, guidance and ensure the project complies with NHS regulations.
You do not have to switch to CDRC. You may continue to use all resources already available to you by your provider but you are welcome to use as many or as little of the CDRC resources as you decide appropriate.
CDRC is a collaborative joint program between the Health Innovation for the North East and North Cumbria (HI NENC) and the North England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS). Both are not for profit organisations and provide staffing to ensure the development of the program. Additionally, we have funding from the Innovation Technology Payment (ITP), Digital First and NHS Northern Cancer Alliance. A business case for a long-term sustainability model is being formed.
Get in touch
If you have any questions regarding access, or the use of the CDRC tools, please get in touch: