CDRC have created resources to support you with all aspects of CVD Prevention.
You will need to have access to the CDRC Precision Resource Launcher to access and use the following resources. Please click on the link below if you have not already completed this step or used the CDRC Precision Resource Launcher before:
Patient Alert
Upon retrieving a patient’s record, during a consultation or not, a “CDRC Precision: CVD Prevention” alert will appear, hover over this alert to display key information as shown in the screenshot below.
CDRC Precision CVD Prevention Template Guidance
The CDRC Precision CVD Prevention template is an all encompassing template to address all aspects of CVD prevention. There are dedicated pages for blood pressure, lipids, weight management, AF management, CKD management and gylcaemic control.
Key Benefits:
- Intelligently incorporates alerts for completion of all IIF CVD Indicators if patient eligible.
- Pages and alerts built into CDRC Precision One review template for routine annual reviews.
- Intelligently reacts to coded data in the patient record to guide management.
- Highlights QoF indicators and Best Practice guidance.
This resource can be used in conjunction with the CDRC Quality Population reporting resources.
You will need access this template via the CDRC Precision Resource Launcher.
To open this template go to ‘CDRC Precision Resource Launcher > Assessment and Management Templates > Cardiovascular > Precision CVD Prevention’
Core Data Entry Page
Allows coding for mobility, smoking, alcohol and depression/anxiety screening.
BP Management Page
- Dedicated IIF Alerts for CVD-01 and CVD-02 if patient eligible.
- Guides for the accurate coding to ensure payment for QoF and IIF.
- Displays both QoF and NICE BP targets for specific long term conditions.
Lipid Management Page
- Dedicated IIF alerts for CVD-03 and CVD-04 if patient eligible.
- Guides for the accurate coding to ensure payment for QoF and IIF.
- Specific statin alerts to ensure safe prescribing
- Highlights whether a patient in on a low or moderate potency steroid
- Allows calculation of Non-HDL cholesterol targets and shows whether target has been achieved.
Weight Management Page
- Allows for accurate coding of BMI
- Displays referral criteria for NHS Digital Weight Management Referrals
- Directs to other local weight management referrals (CDRC Weight Management Template)
Atrial Fibrillation Page
- Dedicated IIF alerts for CVD-05 and CVD-06 if eligible.
- Guides for the accurate coding to ensure payment for QoF and IIF.
- CHA2D2S2-VASc and ORBIT bleeding risk scores to assess for appropriateness for anticoagulation.
Chronic Kidney Disease Page
- Allows accurate coding for CKD stage
- Guidance on the use of ACE-I/ARB depending on Urine ACR value
Glycaemic Control Page
- Will display Diabetic page or Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia page as appropriate.
- Provide a glycaemic control overview
- Referral guidance for NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme or DESMOND etc.