Safeguarding Adult Register
Adults are included in the organisation’s Safeguarding Adult Register via the presence of a Read code indicating they are at risk WITHOUT a subsequent code of Adult no longer vulnerable.
Read codes that indicate possible risk include:
- Domestic abuse
- Physical, sexual, emotional abuse
- Honour-based violence and forced marriage
- Exploitation and trafficking
- Any other form of abuse
- Vulnerable adult
Adults on these lists can be found in the following searches: CDRC > Safeguarding
Adults on the safeguarding register will be flagged with the following icon:
Systematic Review
Adults on the register can be given a Safeguarding recall to allow systematic review. The review date is shown on the safeguarding template.
The following search identifies children on the register who do not have a review date:
CDRC > Safeguarding > *Adult with Safeguarding issues but no safeguarding review date
The following search identifies children whose review is pending or overdue. This can be used for clinical or other review meetings.
CDRC > Safeguarding > * Adult due for safeguarding review
Safeguarding Adult Template
The Safeguarding Adults CDRC template provides an overview of safeguarding for the selected patient. A thumbnail sketch can be entered at the top of the page to provide an aide-memoir for meetings etc. This is added by clicking the Safeguarding Summary button or right clicking the current thumbnail and choosing Copy Questionnaire.
The Safeguarding Recall panel shows when the adult is next due to be reviewed for safeguarding issues. This can be set to reflect the level of concern e.g. needs to be discussed in 2 weeks or in 6 months. Reports in CDRC reporting identify adults with safeguarding issues who have a pending/overdue recall or no recall.
The Discussion box is used to record important narrative. Previous discussions can be followed down the right hand side of the template.
The Show All Safeguarding Information button opens a template that shows all coded information that might be relevant to safeguarding, including out of hours attendance and DNAs.
The next panel shows some key information with links to templates to display or record additional information.
Information | Link |
Whether or not the adult is currently on the practice safeguarding register | Template to add/remove the patient from the register |
Whether or not there are other people of concern in the household e.g. children, other vulnerable adults | Link template to flag the record to show there are other vulnerable people in the household |
Whether or not there is any recorded information about domestic abuse | Domestic abuse template |
Whether or not there is a record of police domestic incident reports. | A protocol to guide user through recording a police domestic incident report |
Whether or not the child has been recorded in a MARAC | A protocol to guide user through recording MARAC information |
Whether or not there is information about FGM | Template to display/add information about FGM |
The next section has a link to a page for making a safeguarding referral along with tools to assess the level of risk and help decide on the most appropriate intervention.