New to CDRC on SystmOne:
Getting Started
Set-up and configure CDRC on SystmOne using our step-by-step guides which contains important information we feel you should know.
Resource Guides:
Contract Management
Resources available to maximise contract performance.
Medicine Management
Comprehensive system for ensuring medication is appropriately monitored and safely administered, based on information in the BNF, national and local guidelines.
- Drugs Requiring Monitoring System
- Antibiotic Prescribing & Optimisation
- Resources to support safe prescribing of:
- Safety & Reviews
Safeguarding System
The CDRC Safeguarding system is an integrated approach to give organisations a structured, safe and simple method of considering safeguarding issues.
The CDRC Vaccination system is designed to help maximise uptake of vaccination whilst minimising the burden on general practice.
National Early Warning Score 2
Our NEWS2 resources have been designed by clinicians, for clinicians. The searches allow for the NEWS2 score to be calculated and recorded both manually, and automatically creating an entry in the patients record.