This Stroke Awareness Month, find out more about our stroke case finding resources.
As we start a new financial year, now is a good time to look for patients who may be missing from your practice’s disease registers. Although there are no QOF points for maintaining a register, our understanding of the rules is that there will still be an adjustment of the value of the points based on practice disease prevalence – improving your prevalence improves your income. This is aside from the very real benefits for patients from having their risk factors managed properly.
The CDRC resources, available in EMIS and SystmOne, will help to identify patients who may have had a stroke or TIA who do not appear on your disease register.
Below you will find details of the CDRC stroke resources available in EMIS and SystmOne. If you have any questions or would like support from the CDRC team get in touch at
Why use CDRC searches?
- Improve patient care
- Potentially improve practice finances
- Quality Improvement Activity for personal development and CQC evidence
- Approximately 20 min set up work (then reviewing notes)
Tools used:
- CDRC Quality Searches (Neurology)
CDRC Quality Tools
(1) EMIS
Download the Neurology quality searches from our Neurology guide and import the searches into EMIS.
(2) SystmOne
The searches are already available to practices via the CDRC Quality > Neurology structure. You can find the searches available below.
Available Searches
There are 3 searches available:
- ? stroke TIA 2.1 Casefinding – potential stroke indicator but no QOF code : this search looks for codes that may indicate a stroke or TIA but do not have a QOF Stroke / TIA code (eg “stroke monitoring”)
- ? Stroke TIA 2.2 Casefinding – vascular dementia codes without h/o stroke : many patients with vascular dementia have had evidence of a TIA or stroke and are on secondary prevention.
- ? Stroke TIA 2.3 Casefinding – unclassified stroke type. This search will identify patients with a generic stroke code so that they may be classified more accurately. Whilst this won’t necessarily help prevalence, it could help with tailoring management
Sign in to RAIDR, and click on the primary care dashboard, and then in to the Data Quality Icon in the top left corner:

Select “diagnosis coding” (bottom option on the drop down menu) making sure the view is set to your practice. Scroll to the bottom on the list and select either “stroke” or “TIA”. On the right hand side will be a list of patients who have had a stroke / tia code within one of the hospital systems, but not in the GP system. The notes of these patients can then be reviewed to identify patients who may have an incorrect code.
CDRC: For NENC by NENC for GPs by GPs.
Get in touch
If you have any questions regarding access, or the use of the CDRC Precision tools, please get in touch: