PLEASE NOTE: Its has come to light that a number of errors have been identified with the CDRC EMIS PCSK9i search ( ) . These errors have been recognised in regards to the exclusion of patients with strokes and secondly, around the incorrect use of a denominator in the search. Please accept our sincere apologies for these search errors.
CDRC Precision resources go through rigorous testing and review in a bid to limit these instances of fault and the team have responded quickly following the identification of these errors. Please do not use this search at the moment. We would ask you to wait for the updated searches before running this particular search, these errors do not effect any of the other CDRC Precision searches/resources.
Please be assured that the searches have already been amended and are currently undergoing a hazard review with NECS and we anticipated that the amended search will be sent out to all parties as soon as possible.
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Team CDRC Precision